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If You Want to Go 10X Faster...

My client Brandon says, "Wissem, your perspective helped me 20 x's what I thought was possible. I was expecting to get a $100,000 for the first government contract, but I made over $2 Million in less than 8 months in sales."

You need access to a coach that has the RESULTS, cares about you, and can help you see limitless possibilities for your potential, your strategies, and your income in this marketplace. 

I suffered because I didn't get a coach 14 years ago because I was to stubborn, and the moment I got a coach my business tripled In 2 years and I cracked 7 figures for the first time EVER. 

3 things have Absolutely Catapulted my success and my client's success in RECORD time

These 3 things have created 99% of my results.

Get a Coach

I think we all need a coach to believe in us and it's amazing how we surprise ourselves even when our little voice says..."I'm not good enough, I can't do this, and I can't make a full time income doing what I love"......

It's the power of a coach that helps you navigate that voice and self imposed obstacles that stop you from living your dreams.

The first step is Getting Coaching from an expert like me. I save you time, headaches, and a fortune in your Government Contracting business. Investing in a coach is the smartest investment anyone can make because YOU are really investing in YOU.

Access to Proven Government Sales and Marketing Systems

You must get access to proven government sales and marketing systems, but not just having access, it's having access to coaching from someone like me who can...

  • Design your government marketing strategy in 20 minutes of coaching in our masterminds. (yes, it takes 20 minutes of my coaching because I spent 12 years making mistakes and learning the best and fastest ways to help you succeed)
  •  Give You Access to My Plug and Play Government Sales strategies that took me 18 months to build and $500,000 of investments, and you get the entire SEQUENCE in minutes. 
  •  Hand YOU samples, tools and software that I've slaved over and tested in Million Dollar Contracts so you can deploy it in your government contracting business

I hold NOTHING back in when you work with me on a higher level.

 If you're worried about the details, you have access to get advice and coaching anytime you need it.

PLUS, we are by your side to support your dreams.
Whether you're looking to break through to your first six figures or you want to go to 7 figures in your government contracting business or multi 8 figures, this support is perfect for you.
Most people are lonely, isolated, and disconnected from a support team that believes in their dreams and never tells them, "You can't do this, NO, that's stupid, go get a job, you won't succeed."
 Our support won't stand for NAYSAYERS. 

If you apply today, speak to a coach and If you're accepted into our community, We will go in the rocket ship together.

We will ONLY select a small group of new people and spots will go VERY VERY fast.

If you are a giver, a dreamer, and you want to be part of one of the best communities on the planet, then go apply now and be considered to become our next success story.


The BEST Strategic Partners 

Partners Can help you 10 x your income and impact much much FASTER

One good partner can change everything as it did for Hilda. One partner led our client Hilda to 8 other partners that helped her grow her income to $7 Million in 3 years. 

These are the same partners that put her in contact with their government buyers and send her HIGH PAYING contracts. What if you could get access to amazing partners?

Imagine where your business would be 12 months from TODAY.

If you want to be considered, then you must apply today and my coach and you will determine whether you are the right fit for our community. It's a free coaching session!


You probably aren't a fit for our community of New Celebrities that are changing the world. If you want to make a difference for you, your family, your groups, and then planet, then there's only one thing left to do........

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Contact Us: (703) 239-4473 or [email protected] 

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